Dr Cosmo Hallstrom

Consultant Psychiatrist

Call Jane Grant PA 020 7730 7560

Original papers

A clinical pharmacological study of the effect of clomipramine and protriptyline on the uptake of tritiated 5HT and DA in platelets from depressed patients ’ Hallström C, Pare M, Rees W, Trenchard A & Turner P Journal de Pharmacologie, Supp No. 2 1975

Platelet uptake of 5HT and dopamine in depression – Hallström C, Pare M, Linford-Rees M, Trenchard A & Turner P Postgraduate Medical Journal 1976 52, 40-44

Antidepressant blood levels in acute overdose – Hallström C & Gifford L Postgraduate Medical Journal 1976 52, 687-688

E, C, G, changes on Butriptyline – Hallström C & Brooks N Communication in Psychopharmacology 1979 3, 55-59

Diazepam and its metabolite nordiazepam, in saliva, plasma and CSF – Hallström C, Lader M & Curry S British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1980 9, 333-339

A stable isotope dilution assay for the antiparkinsonian drug benzotropine in biological fluids – Jindal S, Lutz T, Hallström C & Vestergaard P Clinical Chimica Acta 1981 112, 267-273

The effects of propranolol and diazepam alone and in combination, on the effects of chronic anxiety – Hallström C, Treasaden I, Edwards G & Lader M British Journal of Psychiatry 1981 139, 417-421

Protection of patients on MAOIs against hypertensive crises – Kline N, Cooper T, Suckow R, Hallström C & Brebbia Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1981 1, 410-411

Benzodiazepine withdrawal phenomena Hallström C & Lader M International Pharmacopsychiatry 1981 16, 235-244

The effects of ginseng on physiological, biochemical and psychological measure, after sleep deprivation Hallström C, Fulder S & Carruthers M American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1982 6, 277-282

The incidence of benzodiazepine dependence Hallström C & Lader M Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation June 1982 4,293-296

Will amitriptyline prevent the “cheese” reaction of monoamine oxidase inhibitors? Pare M, Kline N, Hallström C & Cooper T Lancet 1982, 183-186

Steady state plasma levels of lofepramine and desipramine monitored during a clinical double-blind comparison: a preliminary report Hallström C Chapter in Lofepramine in the treatment of depressive disorders™ 1988 Angst J and Wogan B (eds) Vieweg, Braunschweig

Benzodiazepine dependent patients and their psychological treatment Crouch G, Robson M & Hallström C Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 1988 12, 503-510

Rapid response to buspirone: assessment in a general practice setting Hallström C & Cox J British Journal of Clinical Practice 2: 65-80 (1991)

Self-help and benzodiazepine withdrawal Tattersall ML and Hallström C Journal of Affective Disorders 24 (1992) 193-198

Inadequate treatment response to des-enkephalin-gamma-endorphin compared with thioridazine and placebo in schizophrenia Montgomery SA, Hallström C et al Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (86) 1992, 97-103

An open study of remoxipride in the long-term treatment of schizophrenia T Ashwood, C Hallström et al Journal of Psychopharmacology 6(4) 1992 519-525

The role of coping strategies in protecting individuals against long-term tranquilliser use Bish A, Golombok S, Hallström C, Fawcett S (submitted for publication)

A controlled trial of dothiepin and placebo in treating benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms Tyrer P, Ferguson B, Hallström C, Mitchie M, Tyrer S, Cooper S, Caplan R, Barczak P British Journal of Psychiatry (1996) vol 168, page 457-461

Pharmacist™ Mental Health Role Questioned Hallström C Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry Vol.2 Issue 2 March/April 1998

Abstracts / Articles / Letters

The future of psychiatry Eds Creed F & Hallström C Geigy Publications, 1979

Prediction of response to anti-anxiety agents Hallström C & Lader M Proceedings of the 11th CINP, Pergammon Press, 1979

Benzodiazepine withdrawal phenomena Hallström C & Lader M Abstracts of the 12th CINP Congress 1980, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology (sup), 186

The use and abuse of tranquillisers Hallström C Update July 1982 4, 43-50

Which hypnotic – if any? Hallström C British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1983 30, 188-192

The current view on minor tranquillisers and new developments Hallström C Postgraduate Doctor 1984 7, 366-372

Practical aspects of the use of beta-blockers in anxiety states: morbid anxiety Hallström C Postgraduate Medical Journal 1984 60 (supp 2), 26-30

Thyroid abnormalities and violent suicide Drummond L, Lodrick M & Hallström C British Journal of Psychiatry 1984 144, 213 (Letter)

Specific benzodiazepine receptors: What is the latest thinking? Hallström C Medical Dialogue 1985 58, 2-4

Patients’ attitudes to depot neuroleptics Hallström C, Halstead S, Hays H Schizophrenia Research 1988 May, 209-210

Anxiolytic drugs; past, present and future Hallström C Holistic Medicine 1989 4, 157-163

Uses and abuses of benzodiazepines Hallström C British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1989 41, 115

Benzodiazepines and medical negligence – the issues Hallström Abstracts of Autumn Quarterly Meeting of The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1989

Uses and misuses of benzodiazepines Hallström C, Hawley C Postgraduate Doctor 13: 316-320 (1990)

Medical aspects of benzodiazepine abuse Hallström C Practical reviews in Psychiatry, 2: 9, 3-5 (1990)

Benzodiazepine and medical negligence Hallström C Update 40: 1139-1140 (1990)

GBR 12909: a dose response relationship of the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor in major depression Fensbo C, Montgomery S, Andersen J, Hallström C, Schonbeck G, de Zwann M, Moller Neilsen E, Olafsen K, Ingwersen S: 17th Congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum 1990 (Tokyo)

Buspirone in British general practice Hallström C 17th Congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum 1990 (Tokyo)

Desenkephalin gamma endorphin and thioridazine in the treatment of schizophrenia; a placebo controlled study Montgomery S, Green M, Rimon R, Heikkila L, Foresstrom R, Hirsch S, Hallström C, Hippius H, Naber R, Kahn M, Stitsen J: 17th Congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum 1990 (Tokyo)

Benzodiazepine dependent patients in different clinical settings Hawley C, Crouch G, Tattersall M, Hallström C: British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer Meeting 1990 (Cambridge)

Tranquilliser addiction; medicolegal aspects Hallström C The Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual General Meeting 1990 (Birmingham)

Benzodiazepine dependence; an incomplete picture The Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Meeting 1990 (Birmingham)

Current views on treating patients with anxiety: factors that affect the choice of drug Hallström C Prescriber Issue 28 34-38 (1991)

The comparison of anxiety rating scales in a training situation

Proceedings of the British Association of Psychopharmacology’s Summer Meeting 1991 Bradford L, Hallström C, Gerristen van der Hoop, Stevens G

Benzodiazepine dependence; who is responsible? Hallström C (Editorial) The Journal of Forensic Medicine 2: 5-7 (1991)

Appropriate prescribing of the benzodiazepines Hallström Pulse 51: Page 58 (1991)

Anxiety disorders and their management Hallström C Prescriber Vol 3, Issue 19 31-38 (1992)

Buspirone – different mode of action reduces anxiety treatment complications Hallström C Pulse Vol 50: No 21 75

Watch out for depression in sleep disorder cases Hallström C Mims Magazine Vol 19 No 21 55 (1992)

Prophylactic therapy in depression Mims Magazine (1992)

Guidelines for the management of patients with generalised anxiety (Consensus Panel) Psychiatric Bulletin, 1992 16, 560-565

Guidelines for the management of patients withdrawing from benzodiazepines – Mental Health Foundation 1993

Guidelines for the treatment of depressive illness with antidepressants Montgomery S, Hallström, et al Journal of Psychopharmacology 1993 7: 19-23

Guidelines for the investigation of anti-anxiety drugs (Consensus Panel) British Association for Psychopharmacology (In press)

Antidepressants in the treatment of anxiety disorder Tyrer P & Hallström C Psychiatric Bulletin 1993 Vol 17 75-76

ECT causes an increase in urinary output of the monoamine oxidase An inhibitory component of Tribulin Clow A, Kimber S, Sandler M, Hallström C, Hawley C, Glover V (Abstract) British Association of Psychopharmacology Meeting, 1993

Reading list for MRCGP examination on depression MIMS Magazine, October 5th 1993

Drugs in focus: Zopiclone Prescriber Journal. 34. 115-119: 1994

Reshaping mental health services. (Review) – The Psychiatric Bulletin.

Waving a goodbye to mother’s little helper Focus on drug dependency featuring Dr Hallström Hospital Doctor 29 May 1993

Mental health care is worsening by the day (Letter to the Editor) Evening Standard 13 1 1995 Hallström C, Hirsch S

What are the options for GPs when prescribing hypnotics? MIMS Weekly 4 10 94 Hallström C

Rational choices in CNS prescribing: the cost of depression Prescriber 5:15 1994 24 – 29

Hypnotics MIMS Weekly 1995 Hallström C

Costs of clozapine Bulletin of The Royal College of Psychiatrists 1995 Bottomley C, Hallström C

The rating of depression Perspectives in Depression 4: 3 1996 1-5 Hallström C

More ECT needed not less (Opinion) Care of the Elderly 7 No 3 1995 Hallström C

Can GPs manage without benzodiazepines Prescriber (in press)

Tranquillisers are good for you? Proceedings of The Medical Society of London (in press)

Managing minor psychiatric conditions in adolescents Prescriber 19 January 1997 Hill-Smith A, Hallström C

Medico-legal Aspects of Occupational Stress Journal of the Medico-legal Society 1997 Hallström C

Hyperkinetic Disorder Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry Nov/Dec 1997 Hill-Smith A & Hallström C

Mania, Schizophrenia and the Mental Health Act Update June 1997 842-851 Hallström C

Pocket Guide to Insomnia 1997 Advisory Panel

The Drug Management of Schizophrenia The Practitioner (in press 1998)

The Pharmacotherapy of Schizophrenia The Practitioner January 1998 Vol.242 Hallström C, Magnes R

Stress and Mental Health Nursing Mental Health Care Hallström C, (in press 1988)

Benzodiazepine Dependence 20 Years On Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry Hallström C, (in press)

Differentiating anxiety from physical disorder in primary care Psychiatry Reviews, Vol 2, No 3 Autumn 1997 Hallström C, Galloway C

Royal College of Psychiatrists Statement on Benzodiazepines 1997 (co-author)

Stigma of Anxiety Hospital Medicine 1999 Hallström C

A Primary-care Guide to Insomnia Management Prescriber 5 April 200 Hallström C

Contributors to Drugs and Therapeutic Bulletin

Tranquilliser independence (Self-help audio cassette for patients)

Raising the profile of Mental Health in Malawi. C Hallstrom. 2017 RCPsych INSIGHT (published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists). Pages 8-9.

Clinical Trials


Amitriptyline vs butriptyline in depressed outpatients Phase 3

Clomipramine vs protriptyline in depressed outpatients – monitoring platelet uptake of 5-HT and dopamine. Clinical pharmacological study.

1976 – 1990

Diazepam, propranolol and their combination for the treatment of chronic anxiety Clinical pharmacological study

A clinical pharmacological study of benzodiazepine withdrawal

Desenkephalin gamma endorphin and thioridazine in the treatment of schizophrenia; a placebo controlled study Phase 2

GRB 11909: A dose response relationship of selective dopamine uptake inhibitor in major depression Phase 2

BRG 21909: A double blind placebo controlled study versus Imipramine for the treatment of major depression. A multicentre multinational study Phase 3

Lofepramine vs desipramine in depressed outpatients A clinical pharmacological study

Propranolol vs placebo in benzodiazepine withdrawal

Clopixol concentrate vs Haldol decanoate in the maintenance treatment of schizophrenia Principal investigator Phase 4

Remoxipride in the longterm treatment of schizophrenia A multicentre study Investigator Long-term safety study

Zacopride: a dose finding study of 5HT3 agonist in anxiety Multicentre study Investigator Phase 2

Investigator in A study of a DA antagonist antidepressant in depressed outpatients Phase 2

Investigator in A multicentre study of Prothiaden vs placebo in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal Phase 4

UKMAS study of calcium homotaurinate in the prevention of relapse in alcoholism Investigator Phase 4

1990 – 1992

Buspirone: assessment in a general practice setting; A study of 670 patients in general practice Principal investigator Phase 4.

Buspirone ER vs Buspirone IR. A multicentre, multinational study in primary care. Principal investigator. Phase 4.

Flesinoxan vs placebo in anxiety A multicentre, multinational study in primary care; Trainer; Phase 3

Nefazodone vs fluoxetine in depressed patients in primary care A multinational study; Principal investigator; Phase 3


Nefazodone vs sertraline in depressed hospital outpatients Investigator; Phase 3

Ondansetron in the prevention of relapse in chronic anxiety


Long-term relapse prevention of fluvoxamine in depression Investigator

Trainer in a study of amisulpiride in schizophrenia


Sertraline vs imipramine in panic disorder

Trainer in a study of an antidepressant A multidimensional study


CLZ-20 499 – 006 -GBR A study of an anxiolytic in generalised anxiety disorder

Relapse prevention in depression of ORG 4428 in outpatients


Paroxetine -v- Placebo in Social Phobia


Investigator in a Study of Antidepressants. ASTRA phase 2.

Paroxetine -v- Placebo in GAD. Phase 3.

Several other studies since – as coordinator/principal investigator

Royal College of Physicians Fellow

Royal College of PsychiatristsFellow number 698

Independent Doctors FederationSupporting doctors in independent practice.

General Medical CouncilRegistered No.1500769

Medical Defence UnionThe world's first medical defence organisation.

AXA PPPApproved by AXA PPP No. CH00615

Copyright © Dr Cosmo Hallström 2023
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